
Monday, August 22, 2011


Reading comprehension.
  1. Read the following numbered paragraph and then answer the questions below.
1.      Hi Sue Ellen!
2.      Our school vacation in the UK began two weeks ago.
3.      First, we went to London, I had a great time there! I saw a lot of famous places. I went to the tower of London.
4.      We ate traditional British fish and chips, and we drank typical English tea (ugh!). I bought a lot of souvenirs!
5.      After London, our Math teacher, Mr. James, drove us in a minibus to Edinburgh. The scenery in Scotland is
6.      Better than in England. It’s more spectacular. I wrote a lot of post cards to my family and friends.
7.      We flew to Cardiff (in Wales) yesterday.
8.      The weather was fine when we came to the UK, but then it became cold and wet.
9.      The weather here is colder and wetter than the weather in Texas!

  1. Complete the following sentences.
  1. In London, the weather was______________
a)      Sunny and wet
b)      Rainy and sunny
c)      Wet and cold
d)     Cold and sunny

  1. We went on holidays with a _____________
a)      British chef
b)      Post man
c)      Teacher
d)     Bus driver

  1. In the line n°3, the word had is the_______________
a)      Past of the verb add
b)      Past of the verb hang
c)      Past of the verb hate
d)     Past of the verb have

  1. The order of the cities we visited was:______________
a)      London, Edinburgh, Cardiff,
b)      Cardiff, Texas, London
c)      Texas, Edinburgh, Scotland
d)     Cardiff, Edinburg, London

  1. The meaning of the letters UK is _________________
United Kids
United Kingdom
Under Kitchen
United Kinder Garden
6.      Bought, drank, and drove are …………….. verbs:
A.    Regular                 B. infinitive                C irregular

  1. Write the correct alternative
The past of the following verbs are:
7.      Eat
a)      Ated
b)      Ate
c)      Eatted
d)     Ated
8.      Drink
a)      Drank
b)      Drinked
c)      Dranked
d)     Drove
9.      See
a)      Seed
b)      Sed
c)      Saw
d)     Sawed
10.  Have
a)      Has
b)      Haved
c)      Hat
d)     Had
11.  Become
a)      Became
b)      Bikeim
c)      Becomed
d)     Becamed
12.  Walk
a)      Wolk
b)      Walked
c)      Walket
d)     Walded

  1. Identify the correct pronunciation.
The pronunciations of the following PAST VERBS are:
  1. Sang
a)      Sing
b)      Sang
c)      Song
d)     Sung
  1. Saw
a)      Sau
b)      So
c)      Seu
d)     Su
  1. Thought
a)      Tot
b)      Dou
c)      Zot
d)     Tut
  1. Started
a)      Startid
b)      Started
c)      Stard
d)     Start
  1. Brought
a)      Broud
b)      Brot
c)      Brut
d)     Bro
  1. Painted
a)      Pointid
b)      Paintid
c)      Peintid
d)     Puntid

Look at the pictures and write the preposition of place.
Where’s the cat?

  1.                                The cat is _____________ the table.(debajo)

a)      On the left
b)      Behind
c)      Under
d)     On the right


  1.                                  The piano is ___________ my grandmother.(detras)

a)      Above
b)      Under
c)      Between
d)     Behind


  1.                                   The calendar is _______________ the clock(.abajo)

a)      On the right
b)      Above
c)      Between
d)     Below


  1.                                     The lamp and the bed table are _______________the bed.(a la izquierda)

a)      Under
b)      On the left
c)      Behind
d)     On the right

  1.                                   The airplane is _______________ the Arica city.(sobre)

a)      Above
b)      Behind
c)      Below
d)     Under

  1. Comparatives. Complete with the correct alternative.
  1.  Samuel is nicer ________ Patrick
a)      Then
b)      Than
c)      Them
d)     There

  1. This car is _______________ than this one.
a)                  a)Expensive
b)                 b)Expensiver
c)                 c)Most expensive
d)     More expensive

  1. The students of language are________________ than history students, in that college.
a)      Funny
b)      Funnier
c)      More funny
d)     More funnier

  1. Spaghettis are ________________ than pure.
a)      a)More delicious
b)      b)Delicious
c)      c) More deliciouser
d)     d)Deliciouser

  1. Lenore is ______________ than Christine.
a)     A. Famouser
b)     B Famous
c)      C.More famous
d)     D.More famouser

  1. My marks in Mathematics are ________________ than in English.
a)      A.Bad
b)     B. Worse
c)     C. Badder
d)     D.More bad

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