
Friday, June 13, 2008

B Listen for details: Listen to Sebastian’s plan again and write the missing words.

Tomorrow is my last day in (1)……………..because I’m going to (2)…………………Tokyo is an incredible (3)………………..,so modern and so full of activity. There wasn’t time to see everything.But there are some things I have to (4)………………before I go to Hong Kong.
The best technological goods in the world are made in Tokyo. Here TVs radios, videos games, computers and cameras are designed and made. I’d like to buy (5)………………camera to film my city tour of Hong Kong.

I also have to go to a (6)………………where I can eat strange food. There is Kaiseki, which is very, very attractive food of all different colors. Fugu is the most dangerous food in the world to eat. Only experts can do it. There is also sashimi or raw fish. Fish that is not cooked. Ugh¡
That must (7)…………. The worst.

A. Complete the sentences about what Sebastian learned in Tokyo.

1.In Tokyo they make the most modern TVs, ……………………., video games,
and ………………………………..
2. Sebastian wants to visit some restaurants where they cook ……………………

3. Fugu is the most …………………………….food in the world.

4. In some restaurants you can eat raw……………………………

B. Complete the sentences with one of the words.

Fastest –longest- most dangerous- best- worst- highest.

1. I loved eating fugu in Tokyo. It was the …………………………………….food I
have ever tasted.

2. Tokyo has the ……………………………subway I have ever travelled in.

3. The …………………………..buildings I have seen are in the center of Tokyo.

4. I didn’t like eating raw fish. It was the …………………….. food of all.

Verbs in past participle :
· See(ver)-saw(vio)-seen(visto)
· Taste(gustar,probar )-tasted(gustó,probó)tasted(probado)
· Travel(viajar)-travelled(viajó).travelled(viajado)

El tiempo verbal Presente Perfecto expresa acciones que han comenzado en
el pasado y continúan en el presente.Se forma con dos verbos : HAVE ( haber)
y el verbo en PARTICIPIO(tercera forma en un listado d verbos)

I have studied for the test since last week.
She has worked at the school for 15 years
They have seen all the episodes of “Harry Potter”

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